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University of Delaware

University of Delaware - Gore Hall

Nuestro trabajo

New wood windows, doors and millwork.

Tipo de proyecto

New Construction


Newark, DE


Allan Greenberg

Explorar. Sueño. Diseño.


Gore Hall designed by Architect Allan Greenberg, is a magnificent example of classic Georgian architecture on the Mall at the University of Delaware. We were selected to manufacture all windows, doors and millwork because of our capability, skill and experience with historic window projects. University President David Roselle described Gore Hall as "a magnificent landmark classroom building," which reflects the meticulous efforts of "hundreds of artisans" and completes an historic master plan for UD's scenic, tree-lined Mall.

Trabaja con nosotros

¿Estás listo para hacer realidad tu visión? Póngase en contacto hoy mismo y lo ayudaremos a desarrollar una serie de soluciones de puertas y ventanas a medida que ejemplifican la sofisticación, el estilo y el diseño contemporáneo.

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